A B O U T   U S

‌Learn about us and the wonderful benefits
of joining our CMA student chapter!


The Club Managers' Association SHTM Student Chapter was founded by a group of students interested in the private club industry in 2015. Since then, we have collaborated with the Club Managers' Association Hong Kong to create a strong connection between the students and the club industry. We are one of the most active student chapters in PolyU, proving a range of events.

The private club industry is a large industry over the world and in Asia, one of the most thriving hospitality industries. Just in Hong Kong alone, there are 50 different active clubs.

Our Vision
The Club Managers’ Association SHTM Student Chapter aims to  
empower students to explore the private club industry in Hong Kong and
foster an inclusive space where students can build friendships and collaborate. 
Our Mission
  • The mission of our student chapter is to 
  • create a safe and inspiring environment for learning, growth, and mutual motivation.

M E M B E R S H I P   B E N E F I T S

‌Learn about the numerous and wonderful benefits
of joining our CMA student chapter!

Members get numerous opportunities to directly network and communicate with club professionals (general managers, human resource managers, F&B managers, etc.)
Every year, 2 students are granted with the CMAHK scholarship to have an opportunity to visit and participate in the annual CMAA World Conference
Through CMA, students can have access to many internship and career opportunities available in private clubs
Members get to visit many of the major private clubs in Hong Kong and experience what a club atmosphere is like
Members can sign up for volunteer opportunities offered by CMAHK & different clubs to get a first-hand experience
CMA offers many different fun social events not only to bond with club industry professionals but also within the student chapter
Members can learn about the club industry through panel discussions from students, alumni, and club professionals
CMA offers various workshops ranging from social etiquette workshops, resumé workshops to networking and sharing sessions